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Cozy, frugal and warm ...

What is exactly underfloor heating ?

  • An actuate description would be <<radiant floor heating>>. This technique of radiant energy has been used to heat homes for thousands of years. The benefit of <<radiant floor heating system>> is its adaptability and flexibility. All that is needed is a source of warm water.
  • The principle is to create a warehouse of heat (a thermal mass) and radiate this energy to neighboring objects and people. What means is that the floor that is few degrees warmer than the ceiling, walls, furniture & people will radiate its heat into the room at a constant rate without the help of unsightly and inefficient heat panels.
  • The underfloor heating system heats almost entirely by radiation. This is the most natural and comfortable form of heating, like the sun, radiant energy is emitted by the floor, partly reflected by each surface and partly absorbed. The energy reaches into every corner of the room or space which means - no cold spots, no warm ceilings or cold feet.
  • This thermal transfer guarantees the finest temperature distribution in all the locals with an average pleasant floor temperature of (25 C / 26 C).
  • Moreover, the level of comfort the system provides is totally beyond all limits of traditional installation. In some countries this offers an ecological solution and helps is safeguarding the environment.
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